Music of the Spheres

Sound of empty architecture
Symphony of an empty city

Musica universalis,  or music of the spheres, is an old metaphysical concept, ascribing sound harmonies to mathematical proportions governing the universe. Personally, I believe that we can find the same proportions in harmonious architecture, and when I find myself alone in an old city, resting my eye on surrounding buildings without the distraction of human presence, I perceive  a visual effect akin to listening to music.

Notes on a wall
Notes on a wall

The broader and more imposing the view, the more symphonic the effect, the more we concentrate on detail, the more cameral and intimate becomes the music.  I like to look for smaller accents, that lead me right down to a jazz ensemble.

Jazz ensemble with a leader
Jazz ensemble with a leader

“Softly, Like in a Morning Sunrise”