I remain fascinated by what is going on in the minds of other people, by how they translate their unique beings into expressions of living form. This is a never ending source of photographic inspiration.
I have not seen anywhere an analysis linking the angle, at which people like to face the world, with age – most likely, because there is no causal correlation. But from my observational studies, some patterns emerge…
As people become young adults, the body language becomes exuberant and sophisticated. At times I am really amazed what acrobatic poses are possible, particularly if you are one of these, who are always glued to their mobile phone.
Humans have always dreamt of being able to fly. When I was younger, I had these dreams, in which I was floating freely above the ground. This makes part of collective subconscious.
The older you get, the more difficult it is to imagine that you can set yourself totally free.
Above all, the body language speaks about how powerful we feel. The more we shrink into fetal poses, wrap ourselves up in our arms, shield our neck or face with the palms of our hands, the weaker and more defensive we are.
On the other hand, the more we expand, reach out, stretch our arms and legs, the more powerful and happier we are.
One of the more desirable states in life, is to live in such a way, that you are totally absorbed doing things you love doing, to the point, that even hard work becomes an effortless play. This has been called “Living in the flow”.
While it might be difficult to define it precisely, as with many other things, you instinctively know how to recognize it, when you see it. When I manage to capture such a moment, it makes me instantly appreciate in how many ways our lives can be made worthwhile.