On mosquitos, dogs, lizards, and the origins of the Decisive Moment

Contemporary idyll
Contemporary idyll

I’d like to conclude the series of photographs from Poland, on a lighter note, which for me would usually imply some pictures of dogs. I had a pleasure to visit a friend who lives just outside the capital, in rural surroundings. When I looked at these pictures now, it reminded me of where all the contemporary concept of Decisive Moment came from. Beforehand, you would only expect to see a lady in an outdoor setting, portrayed more or less like this – pleasantly posed in perfect stillness. Self complacency, and perfect balance were mandatory, till the day the idea to break this convention has dawned on one of the most famous female painters in history: Sofonisba Anguissola. Her sketch “Boy Bitten by a Crab”, made on request of Michelangelo, must have been subsequently seen by Caravaggio, and inspired his famous work ” Boy Bitten by a Lizard”.

Lady bitten by a mosquito
Lady bitten by a mosquito

What was before unthinkable to depict – a fleeting moment of emotional reaction, entered forever the arsenal of visual arts.

As I was trying to frame a portrait, my friend got bitten by a mosquito, and we came full circle from Anguissola’s Reneissance experiment to a Bressonian Decisive Moment.

Meanwhile, the other dog was taking it easy.

Who disturbs my nap?
Who disturbs my nap?

“Moon Dreams”