My photo shoot routine is mainly revolving around weekend strolls in Nice or other localities close to Monaco. These are some of the most densely populated areas in Europe. Highly evolved civilization, beautiful landscape, warm sea and the most glamourous city-state in the world conspire for a mixture conducive to attracting multitude of people to this notable “Joie de vivre” experience.
Yet, solitude is always present. You notice it, because it is unnatural. The essence of our species, is not only that we are social animals, but that we live in collective “imagined realities”, where we interact for mutual benefit. Social interaction has to be dosed just right.
Excessive overcrowding can lead to conflict, excessive solitude to depression. Both shorten our lives. In particular, longevity is, among other factors, linked to maintaining a good social network, although I have read somewhere, that even as little as a single 20 minute conversation per month with someone you like and trust, can make a huge difference to your well being.
Women tend to live longer, and apparently it is because of their different hormonal functioning. But what if their real secret is, that they gossip so often?