The joy of music

Tu-ba or to be ?
Tu-ba or to be ?

I can’t imagine life without music.  It makes existence simply so much better. It’s not clear if we are the only beings that get a kick out of music, most likely not, but we are certainly very smart to integrate it into our social lives.

Me and my drum
Me and my drum

The French have a happy relationship with street music: street performers are numerous, there are also lots of open air festivals, performances and parades with participation of municipal bands. A particularly nice event takes place on the anniversary of WWII liberation day, when open military Jeeps from the times of war exit from the cover of local barns, fill out with people dressed up in US Army uniforms, and roam around playing Glenn Miller tunes from the loudspeakers.  It all usually ends in a great party involving large quantities of food, wine and jazz music.

Do you tube?
Do you tube?

Wartime and post-war jazz melodies get associated here with the joy of returning to peace and freedom, and are a kind of American heritage, which is well assimilated and accepted.

“In The Mood”